We do not grow in the space of comfort.
I have this conversation with clients and family and friends on a nearly daily basis. No matter how many times I have the conversation, no matter how many times I hear it or read it from others far more “evolved or enlightened” than I am, the inner dialogue in my head remains:
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I love this image! The more I delve deep into the world of introversion vs extroversion, the more sense this makes to me. I have been taught to believe through messages in school, in media, and professional conferences (I will explain later) and seemingly everywhere I turn this: extroversion is the standard to which we all should aspire.
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Sad & depression are not the same. They are not interchangeable. Yet, I am hearing it more and more in clinical practice as “I was depressed, yesterday.” No. No. No.
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On a flight recently across country, I decided in my infinite wisdom to start Brene Brown’s book “The Gift of Imperfection.” If you are not familiar with her work at all…it isn’t exactly “light” reading, and thus I should have known it would awaken some sort of emotions in me. Trapped in this metal capsule hurdling through the air, and yes that is the best possible way I can describe flying in my opinion, and sharing an uncomfortable finite amount of space….I thought, hey why don’t I explore more of Brene’s research. Surely this can help me be a better therapist, because after all…I am certain (at this point) I have dealt with all of my own shit……
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